About Us


Established in 1983, Telesis A.S. has grown rapidly as a leading-edge provider of solutions for TDM Telephony (like Central Office, Rural, Tandem, Signaling Converter, ISDN PBX), IP Telephony (like IP PBX, IP Phone, VoIP Gateway), Lawful Interception Recording and SIP Softphone applications. With over 35 years experience, Telesis A.S. has delivered to its customers over 5 million lines and users. Our products have been chosen by public- and private-sector entities in various countries worldwide. Telesis systems have been installed in more than fifty countries.

Telesis A.S.`s excellent reputation in international markets rests on excellent product design and a competitive cost/performance ratio.


  1. 1
    Our Mission

    Our mission is to bring robust, reliable and stable IP Telephony solutions to small, medium, and large business at affordable prices. Read More ...

  2. 2
    Our Quality

    Our Quality Policy is to design, manufacture, deliver, and provide technical support on time for our products and services that would meet and probably exceed your expectations. Read More ...

  3. 3
    Our Ethical Statement

    Telesis A.S. has an organizational culture that encourages an ethical conduct, as well as legal compliance. Read More ...

  4. 4
    Our Environmental Statement

    Telesis A.S. is committed to protecting the environment, where practical and within the resources available in all its activities. Read More ...

Looking for SIP Mobile PhoneIP PBXVoIP Access Gateway ?


Have questions?

Telesis A.S. encourages handling of all types of feedback.

While sending a feedback, a detailed description of comment, suggestion, complaint, or idea will help much for improvements or to resolve concerns.  

  • E-mail : contact@telesis.com.tr
  • Phone: +90 312 3840540
  • Address: Asagi Ovecler 1314. Cad. 1306 Sok. No:6/4 Cankaya Ankara
  • 7 + 17 =

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