Privacy Policy

Telesis A.S. is committed to protect the privacy of users of our SIP Softphone application. This Privacy Policy explains what personal data collected by this application and how this data is used.

Personal Data We Collect

This application collects only data that is required to properly connect to your SIP server and to operate the application properly. You edit such data on the “Settings” section of the application.

Data collected by this application is never sent to Telesis A.S. Most of data is used by your SIP provider as these are required for proper operation of the application.

In case if you are not using your own SIP server (but a third-party service provider) Telesis A.S. is not responsible for the data collected by the company providing the SIP service. See your provider’s (if any) Privacy Policy about details.

The data collected by this application includes:

Settings: Data you provide on the “Settings” section of the application will be stored only locally in your device. However some settings are required to interact with your SIP server / service provider. Usually the following data must be provided by the end-users for SIP registration: the address (IP and/or domain) of your SIP server and your SIP account credentials (username/password)

Contact list or directory: Your contact list is displayed within this application to make it easy to call people over VoIP.

Voice recording: This application has the capability to record voice conversations. This is an optional feature which may be activated by you. It is assumed that audio records will be stored only locally in your device unless you intentionally share or backup the records.

Calling number / Called number: This application might automatically submit your number and called number as part of the SIP signaling which might be processed by your SIP server / VoIP Provider. 

Location data: This application might automatically submit your country as part of the SIP signaling which might be processed by your SIP server / VoIP Provider. Your SIP server / VoIP Provider can also locate you by the IP address from where you connect.

Phone status: This application collects information about your device such as internet connection type or idle status to determine the best suitable connection method, codec, retry interval and other details necessary for proper functionality. This information is not submitted anywhere, but might be present in the logs.

How We Use Personal Data

As explained above, personal data collected by this application is submitted to your own SIP server / VoIP Provider and not to Telesis A.S. You may contact to your provider for  its Privacy Policy.

For further information about our privacy policy you may also contact us.

    Etiam magna arcu, ullamcorper ut pulvinar et, ornare sit amet ligula. Aliquam vitae bibendum lorem. Cras id dui lectus. Pellentesque nec felis tristique urna lacinia sollicitudin ac ac ex. Maecenas mattis faucibus condimentum. Curabitur imperdiet felis at est posuere bibendum. Sed quis nulla tellus.


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