
Telesis Stillink series products provide both low and high density solutions for:

  • V5.2 – VoIP Access Gateway
  • V5.2 Protocol Converter
  • SS7 – VoIP Access Gateway
  • ISDN – VoIP Access Gateway
  • CAS – VoIP Access Gateway
  • CAS, ISDN, SS7 Signaling Converter
  • Large Capacity IP PBX for Enterprises
  • Lawful Interception Recorder



With dual E1 interfaces that allow TDM connections with DSS1 Euro ISDN and QSIG signaling and an ethernet interface for a single E1-span (30 SIP channels) or dual E1-span (60 SIP channels) VoIP access, the Stillink x100 is a low cost but capable and robust ISDN – SIP (VoIP) Access Gateway. VISIT WIKI PAGES FOR MORE INFORMATION.

The Stillink 200 is an ideal and cost-effective choice for organizations needing a single E1 span signaling conversion or low density VoIP access needs. It has two E1 interfaces and an ethernet interface.

The Stillink 800 is an ideal and cost-effective choice for organizations needing quad E1 span signaling conversion or low density VoIP access needs. It has eight E1 interfaces and an ethernet interface.

The Stillink 3200 is for organizations and telecom operators needing high density signaling converters or VoIP access gateways. The Stillink 3200 has a modular structure. The installation of the system or expanding an already operating one is simple and fast. At its maximum capacity, it is equipped with 32 E1 interfaces.

The all-protocol switching capability and advanced routing features contained in Stillink VoIP Access Gateways represent a bridge between a legacy TDM equipment and VoIP network.

Stillink VoIP Access Gateways integrate both packet and circuit switching technology. A Stillink VoIP Access Gateway featuring an integrated gatekeeper and registrar/proxy/server provides an economical way for enterprises to manage a central database of phone numbers without the expense of a separate-box gatekeeper or registrar/proxy/server solution.

Furthermore, Stillink VoIP Access Gateways are with the TDM by-pass feature that operates not only for IP network failures but also for preselected routes. Alternate routing capability provides automatic fall back to the TDM if the IP network is unaccessible. Another advantage is that, enterprises may keep their present TDM connections while migrating to VoIP technology.

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